There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Waccamaw is accepting unsolicited submissions of poems, stories, and essays from August 1 through September 8.
Submissions are accepted only via our online system. Unsolicited submissions received through other channels cannot be accepted or acknowledged. We accept files in Word, Rich Text, or Adobe formats (.doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf). Of these, we prefer Word.
The editors encourage interested authors to read previous issues of Waccamaw before submitting. Our only clear editorial criterion is excellence. Beyond that, there are few things we can say to describe what we’re looking for. We value work that is mysterious, but not that which is needlessly obscure. We appreciate ambiguity, but not utter meaninglessness. We like clarity and do not equate it with simplicity. We believe writing devoid of image is devoid of art. We find that our aesthetic beliefs are undergoing constant revision.
Authors should limit submissions to 3-5 poems, one story, or one essay (prose submissions under 6,000 words). Please make only one submission in a single genre per reading period. Response time is approximately 2-4 months.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Please inform us if submitted work is accepted elsewhere before you receive our response. We do not consider submissions of previously published work in any form (including prior internet publication).
Waccamaw acquires only the first serial publication rights of accepted work. Copyright is asserted on behalf of the author, and all reprint rights revert to the author upon publication.